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Nicky, SA

Tehilla is 1 in a 1 000 000!!! She is incredibly passionate in her calling and God given gifts! She cares deeply for her clients and goes out of her way to be there to support you. My marital relationship needs some help every now and then due to my unending bad health for the last 9yrs. Our first call is Tehilla, our marriage is safe in her loving hands! From the very first session you walk out of her rooms feeling understood, comfortable, heard and her approach is tailored to you specifically with her commitment to the health of each individual and their relationship as a whole. What is more, in 1 session you already feel equipped to make some positive changes.
Tehilla encompasses what it means to have a calling as apposed to a career or job. This is something you rarely find in today's times. She invests in your wellbeing.
Her beautiful nature spills over into her passion, her knowledge and experience is second to none.

​We are so incredibly grateful to have her walk our journey with us. She has made us see our marriage in a new light with no anger, resentment, feeling as though we are falling apart and not on the same page.
She is an Angel of hope!

Thank you Tehilla!


Dear Tehilla,


I feel compelled to write to you, although I don't really know how to word what I feel I need to say.  Recently, 'stream of consciousness' writing has helped me profoundly, so I apologise in advance if there is a lack of sentence structures and it appears nonsencicle.  Here goes...


Nothing prepared me for what happened yesterday and nothing prepared me for the way I felt when I woke up this morning.  It's hard to describe, but my entire body felt light?  The best I can describe it, is that my limbs, my 'inside' felt like it was filled with clouds - thin, beautiful cirrus clouds - the ones that look like souls floating through the sky.  And so much space.  Nothing tight, nothing dense.  Later, when I had my coffee on my egg chair, I realised it was also like that gentle rocking weightlessness, yet cocooned.  


The experience itself - is this how it usually goes?  Wow!  It was truly one of the most powerful, intense and significant experiences of my life.  I assume it was evident?  I feel like I should apologise for the snot and sorry to have to use that word!  But I feel even that was part of it, but I am sorry you had to witness it!  But that aside, I want to thank you from the bottom of my 50 year old heart and from the bottom of my baby heart, my little girl heart, my teenage girl heart, my young woman heart, my broken heart and my whole heart.  Thank you for asking the question, thank you for working your magic and miracles and mostly, thank you for holding the safest, most compassionate space for me to go and meet that little girl, to see her and make her feel seen, to protect her and make her feel protected, to set her free and make her feel loved and bring back the possibility of joy to both her and me.


And to think that wasn't all you did for me/us these past 2 days!?! The BWRT session on Friday afternoon was in itself hugely transformative and empowering.  And the reason we actually came to you... you truly helped my husband and myself to turn our approach to each other around - 180 degrees!  So, whatever we decide, wherever we go from here, I know we can now approach it with love and compassion, rather than blame and resentment.  And look at the past 17 years in the same way.  What a gift - for us and our child.  Thank you.


Thank you for sharing your divine gift.


Thank you for sharing your incredible gift with the world. I imagine that it takes much work, dedication, and energy to deepen your skill, and for that I am highly appreciative . I truly do hope that you take time to replenish and protect your own energy as you give out and transform the energies of others.
You have the ability to very fluidly and quickly move into a space of silence to allow yourself to sense where to move next, and then to intuitively guide a reprogramming in that area. The change that takes place is rapid and long-lasting and can be felt almost instantly. It's almost that by the end of a session, I forget what the challenge was that I had walked in with.
I have really appreciated your intuitive ability to direct the healing to the most deep foundational areas. Your ability to pivot to the tools and frameworks that are most applicable to the moment and to explain these as part of the self-healing process
I've strengthened and made sense of multiple relationships, starting with romantic, but moving to parental, sibling, children ... unexpected areas that have benefitted from focus and healing.
I would highly recommend your services and guidance to anyone who truly wants to heal and grow. Your ability to reveal the most vulnerable places to heal and provide awareness and self-healing tools is exceptional. Your intuitive ability is far from traditional talk-therapy, but rather a far deeper, more holistic healing process. The relationship with you has been truly life-changing.

M, Hawaii

Hi Tehilla


I just wanted to thank you for the session today. This session could not have come at a better time and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like a new person right now. 


Thank you so much!


We’ve gotten more in thirty minutes with you than we did from four months in therapy with our previous therapist.


When we started I did not want to do this. I didn’t believe therapists could do anything to help. I thought they were overpaid listeners to be honest. But you’ve really helped me see things I didn’t know about us and about me. I understand more now. You made it easy to talk and always know the right questions to ask. Thank you!

D Hofmeyer, Psychologist

Affair Training for therapists

I am very impressed with Tehilla's comprehensive knowledge on the subject of couple's work. She has packed this course in a well thought out structure which resulted in a maximum learning experience. Her presentations are warm, empathic and enthusiastic and she made it very comfortable for the participants to be at ease and to participate. Her vast experience enables her to apply her knowledge on case studies, whereby practical learning is enhanced. Thank you so much for a well worth training

Kat C.

The Ultimate Couples Toolbox Course

WWWOWOWWW. Mind blown! We could easily identify our ‘injury’ and we will keep this in mind going forward. How valuable to now understand why we act the way we do. THIS was AMAZING! Made me tear up! I will practice this!! Really enjoying this! Thanks!

Caroline G., Clinical Psychologist

The Ultimate Relationship Toolbox

I enjoyed the course tremendously and have great respect for Tehilla's wisdom, insights, research and the compassion with which she helps us to come to grips with many challenges that we as couples are grappling with on a daily basis. Thank you - well worth it!


I never wanted to go out since the affair. I was so scared of bumping into her. Well.. I just got back from a day out. All smiles. And it almost feels surreal how calm I’ve felt!

S, Ind

You have no idea how it feels for me to have found someone after all these years that I truly feel safe to share with. I trust you Tehilla and I have always struggled with trust. But you get me!

M, SA (client's husband)

Hallo Tehilla


Ek wil sommer met die deur in die huis val, en vir jou bitter dankie se dat jy so n aangename, oomgee persoon vir ___ is/was. Dit het haar defnitief n positiewe mens gemaak, wat nie meer omgee wat ander van haar dink en se nie. Sy glo in haarself en is baie opgewonde en reg, vir die Baba wat op pad is. Ons, ek en ____, is eens met mekaar, en dit gaan goed.



Hi Tehilla - Hope you are well! I came to talk to you a while back - I think you may have been shocked at how much I was stressing about my marriage! You helped me immensely! Thank you! My son also came and spoke to you! He has made a huge change in his life. I watched a youtube video on the phone. He mentioned the counselling that he had! I am so grateful for your help for my family! He has a you tube channel ... Anyways - thanks again! Thought I would give you good feedback - as I am sure that sometimes you feel like Hercules (Heklaas - in Afrikaans? smiley) with the world's issues weighing on your shoulders!


I know what he went through...and I can only marvel! Thank you!


We have been conned a bit by believing we are not permitted to go out and seek help! But you guys are the hands and feet of God! 

Kind regards


Hello Tehilla. Ek weet nie waar om te begin nie maar ek sal begin om te se dankie. Ek wou soveel goed se met ons laaste sessie maar ek is nie goed met woorde nie. Die 8 sessies wat ons mekaar gesien het, het vir my baie beteken, na elke sessie het dit gevoel of ek 'n deel van myself weer terug kry. Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas het ek so goed gevoel nie. Ek dink vandag se trane was oor die een ding wat my so lank al terug gehou het, maar die res van die trane was maar net dat ek elke week se sessie gaan mis.. Dit was soos die highlight vir die week. Toe ek nou totsiens se toe voel dit of ek 'n vriendin wat ek al baie jare ken totsiens se want in to kort tyd het jy vir my baie belangerik geraak, ek het dadelik gemaklik gevoel by jou asof ek alles kon deel en weet jy sal my help en glo my jy het my baie gehelp. 
Daar is nog soveel wat ek wil se maar ek weet nie hoe om dit te se nie maar ek wil net weereens baie dankie se! Ek hoop ons kan nog in kontak bly en dat ons mekaar sal sien weer een of ander tyd. 
Weereens baie baie dankie ek kan nie genoeg dankie se nie! Ek wens jou alles van die beste vorentoe! 


Hi Tehilla. I would love to say this was easy. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But also the most important work I've ever committed to. We've ever committed to. And you managed to make sense out of what seemed lost and chaotic. 
You gave us hope and shed light when things felt dead and dark and you somehow managed to make this mess not feel so ugly. I just wanted to say thank you for the safety of your space, I never once felt judged. Seeing my husband open up to you also reminded me of how special this space is.
So I just wanted to say thank you again.

I wish we did this years ago already, but I'm so glad we found you. Thank you.


What hesitations did you have working with me?

Had never done therapy before, wasn't one to talk about feelings etc

What results have you achieved since starting working together?

The business has grown hugely in 1 year, and generally more positive about life


What did you like best about working with me?

Ability to be 100%open, no judgments, always wanting the best for me


How else do you think you've benefited since our working together?

Mentally, work-wise things have improved and are still improving with your guidance


Would you recommend my services?

Yes - anyone who feels stuck in life and wants help/direction


What do you think is the most important thing people should know about working with me?

The first step is the hardest but the direction you give and methods you use can change someone's life

S, De

What results have you achieved since starting working together?

I managed to be honest with my husband about my sex life. Since I can remember, I tried to portray this perfect woman that enjoys sex. When in fact I didn't. Being honest with my husband was the start of it all, and just a few weeks later, for the very first time, I felt safe being intimate with him and sharing love on a different level with him.


What did you like best about working with me?

I absolutely love your wealth of knowledge beyond my issue. You connect dots that I didn't see. You held space for me, no matter where the session brought us. I know I was a tough nut to crack because my mind wouldn't allow me to go places, but with the trust you had in me, I could do it.


How else do you think you've benefited since our working together?

I thought I came to work with you on my sex life. But it was so much more than that. I processed grief, anger, abandonment, fear, and feeling different to my family of origin.


Would you recommend my services?

Absolutely 100% Anyone who wants to establish inner safety, safety with their body, their senses, their sexuality. anyone who wants to repair and re-establish self-love and self-acceptance.


Is there anything you would have liked to see done differently?

I can't think of anything. The entire process was client centered and flexible. an absolutely wonderful experience considering the courage it took me to do it.


Ai Tehilla Ek voel soos ‘n nuwe mens. Ek kannie se hoe baie ek al verander het in die drie sessies nie. Jy het goed by mekaar gesit wat ek nooit besef het nie en nou maak als so baie sin en ek voel so veel rustiger oor die gevoelens want ek weet nou van waar af dit kom. En vanaf ek rustiger is is my man ook rustiger en ons gaan goed. Dankie. Baie baie dankie.
Ah Tehilla I feel like a new person. I can't tell you how much I've changed in these three sessions. You put things together that I nev realized and it now makes so much sense and I feel much more peaceful over the feelings becuase I now know where they came from. And since I'm more relaxed my husband is too and we are doing well. Thank you! Thank you very much.

Couple, UK

It’s like you’re in our heads listening to our thoughts. You’ve just met us but know us so well. It’s weird in a way to be known so well but also really reassuring.


Hi Tehilla. I hope you are well.
I felt the full benefits of BWRT yesterday. I bumped into my ex [who had cheated] and his new girlfriend at the shops. It did catch me off guard, but I did not feel angry at all or even sad.
They were the ones who were very uncomfortable around me. I'm not going to lie, but it feels weird not to be angry or sad. But at the same time it feels good.
I just wanted to say thank you for helping me through this difficult year. I really appreciate you. 

Couple, SA

When we started I did not want to do this. I didn’t believe therapists could do anything to help. I thought they were overpaid listeners to be honest. But you’ve really helped me see things I didn’t know about us and about me. I understand more now. You made it easy to talk and always know the right questions to ask. Thank you!

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